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Welcome to AV Wellbeing’s blog. A place where we share our knowledge and thoughts on mental health and wellbeing.

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Women in business

AV WELL.HUB Spotlights Self-Employed Women

In our latest spotlight on self-employed women, we speak with Nina Roberts, a barrister at 1EC Barristers in London, who has made her mark in contentious probate, property, and commercial law. With over 17 years in the field, Nina knows a thing or two about independence, resilience, and self-employment’s unique challenges. Here, she shares her…

Mental Health awareness

Workplace mental health. Stop taking shots in the dark!

Workplace mental health should not be a ‘stab in the dark approach’. At AV Wellbeing, we support measurability, progress tracking, and feedback. Building a strategic approach to mental health requires collaboration, compassion, and a commitment to continuous improvement. At AV Wellbeing, we work closely with businesses to develop tailor-made solutions that meet their unique needs…


Health and safety can be sexy!

Hello, AV WELL. Hubbers! In this blog, I wanted to deep dive into one of my favourite subjects ‘risk’. Does this mean that I like to take risks?? Informed ones yes, but as for, ‘stick a pin in it and hope for the best’ that’s not for me. Working in forensic environments for almost 10…

Mental Health awareness

The Neuroscientific Power of Music on Mental Health

The Universal Language Music is a universal language, with evidence of instruments dating back 40, 000 years ago in caves of the Swabian Alps. It has continually intrigued neuroscientists, due to its profound impact on the human brain. In this month’s wellbeing blog, I wanted to talk about how music can shape and enhance our…


Sleepiness and work

When people think about sleep loss, feeling sleepy and the associated consequences, people may think of instances of extreme sleep loss, for example, staying up all night for events, holidays or work etc. However, it is more likely that individuals experience poor or disrupted sleep or shortened sleep due to getting up early/late nights on…


A great way to ease the fear of the black dog

(Guest blog) I get to meet some wonderful people in my job and I was thrilled when one of those, wanted to become a guest blogger for AV WELLBEING this month. I met Lee-Ann Cordingley, when we both attended a course about developing online content, something which both of our businesses had to navigate last…

Mental Health awareness

Mental Health Awareness Week

During Mental Health Awareness week, I will be following the guidance from the Mental Health Foundation to raise awareness of the benefits nature has on our health. Nature can give an abundance of gifts in alleviating stress.


Applying caution to optimism

I’d like to say I’m a pretty optimistic person, I like to look at the positives in a situation, I find gratitude is exceptionally powerful in my ability to remain resilient in challenging times. However, I have to apply caution to my optimism. I do not ever want to invalidate another persons experience by offering…


The importance of a good work-life balance

It’s National work-life week from 12th-16th October and we wanted to share why it’s important to have a healthy work life balance. We’ve also shared a few hints and tips for employers and employees. Why is a good work-life balance important? When individuals have a poor work-life balance, it can lead to their health suffering…


Why is self care so important?

Self-care is hugely important as it helps us maintain a healthy relationship with ourselves that can be transmitted to others; you cannot give to others what you don’t have yourself (Tartakovsky, 2019).

She struggled with her own gut health for many years, with over-the-counter medicines failing to provide any relief, so decided to take matters into her own hands, completing a three-year diploma in Nutritional Therapy.

She now works with people struggling with their own gut health, hormonal imbalances and chronic disease, taking a full-body approach to their health.

She delivers our Cultivating a Healthy Gut for Good Mental Health programme.

Explore Kristas services

Her background is in mental health and wellbeing having worked in a range of settings including businesses, the NHS and charities.

Kate has lived experience of mental illness and previously worked as a Peer Supporter for the NHS before joining a local company delivering sport and wellbeing session in schools where she spent many years before becoming a freelance trainer.

Kate has been a qualified Mental Health First Aid instructor since 2014.

Explore Kates services

Her vast experience in business – working as a management consultant for companies like KPMG before setting up her own consultancy practice – has seen her designing and delivering practical interventions to companies from varying sectors.

She developed her own model for employee engagement that has seen fantastic success in the corporate world.
Sue has an MA in HRM/MCIPD and is a BPS registered Behaviour Assessor.

Explore Sues services