Bitesize Learning Sessions
A pick and mix solution for learners
Sometimes growing knowledge and skills in the workplace can be difficult when time is a challenge. We have a solution; short, bite sized training sessions that can be delivered to a small interactive group or expanded to a business wide webinar.
Small, but mighty bite-size courses
Our bitesize training sessions are delivered by experts in health and wellbeing and have been developed with the workplace in mind.
We offer bundles where businesses can select a number of sessions or one off talks. We also use our range of expertise to deliver tailormade talks that suit the needs of your business. This can be assessed within our employee engagement service or based on your own measures.
Our bitesize sessions include:

Supporting good mental health while working from home
Understanding stress
Self-help tips for anxiety
Improving productivity - hints and tips
Listening skills
Understanding the brain
Sleep for good mental health
Value based living - how to prioritise and boost your wellbeing
Unplugging in a fast paced workplace

Sessions can be completed face to face or virtually.

Health and the Menopause
The chance to study the reproductive system, hormones and the impact they can have on everyday life.
The session focuses not just on oestrogen and progesterone but the other hormones that also play a crucial part at this time of life.
It will also focus on ways to alleviate symptoms, exploring the different types of Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) as well as natural alternatives, and the impact of looking after your health and wellbeing.
The sessions are designed to provide a safe space for open discussion, with a chance for people to share their own experiences if they feel comfortable.
You’ll leave armed with all the information you need to have open, productive conversations about the menopause, whether that’s with friends, family, colleagues or health professionals.

Food and the Menopause
An in-depth look at nutrition and the menopause.
The session explores how stress, hormones and the menopause are all impacted by the food we eat.
You’ll learn more about what good nutrition looks like and how to eat a ‘menopause friendly’ diet – with recipes provided.
There’ll be an introduction to phytoestrogens and the foods that contain them, as well as information on midlife weight gain and how to manage it.
The session also explores the different supplements that may help with menopausal symptoms, exploring the benefits and the risks, enabling you to make informed decisions.

Psychology and the Menopause
The menopause can have a huge impact not just on physical health but also on your emotional health.
This session will focus on the psychological impact of hormones, exploring the chemical changes that are happening in the brain.
From anxiety and depression to sleep deprivation and loss of self-confidence, participants will begin to understand why they feel the way they do and be able to share their experiences with others.
You’ll learn how to menopause-proof relationships and explore self-help methods like mindfulness and thought-balancing. There’ll also be information on who to reach out to for further professional help if needed and how to broach these conversations.
Have a question? Find the answers to some common questions here or ask your own by clicking the button below.
“Amy has delivered bitesize sessions for Substance Global since we met her in 2019 when she delivered Mental Health First Aid training to our senior staff.
Amy is skilled at ensuring everyone involved in the sessions is comfortable and her informative and interactive sessions are always met with good participation and strong engagement, largely thanks to the safe atmosphere she provides.
The sessions on topics ranging from managing anxiety, empathy & emotional intelligence, unplugging in a fast paced world, and mindfulness have always been met by incredibly positive feedback from our staff. Amy’s sessions do not only educate, they equip our teams with practical advice and techniques to support their mental health on an ongoing basis.”
Meg Drewett, Communications Manager, Substance Global

More support via the AV WELL.HUB

As with all our courses, participants will get free access to our AV I WELL.HUB, our growing community for everyone that has accessed our training or consultancy services. This includes: