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Workplace Mental Health & Wellbeing

Vitamin G for workplace mental health

We were joined by Elizabeth Honey from Honey & Fleur to talk about the impact of vitamin G on our health.

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Workplace Mental Health & Wellbeing

Mental Health at work – roles responsibilities and boundaries

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Workplace Mental Health & Wellbeing

It's never too late

Marc talks to Amy about how ‘it’s never too late’ to do a variety of things whether that be to ‘seek help’, ‘gain support’ or ‘change your career path and find your passion’.

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Workplace Mental Health & Wellbeing

People pleasing masterclass

If you know your compassionate traits have tipped over into people-pleasing and avoidance of difficult conversations or lack of boundaries, this masterclass is for you.

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Workplace Mental Health & Wellbeing

Navigating grief at work

Faith Holloway talks about how we can support people at work through grief and loss at work.

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Workplace Mental Health & Wellbeing

Supporting wellbeing through difficult: The gifts of compassion

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Workplace Mental Health & Wellbeing

Why yoga won't fix a toxic workplace culture

Peter Abrahamsen; the emotional weightlifter for the legal profession talks to us about ‘Why yoga won’t fix a toxic environment?’.

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Parenting & Young People

Youth Mental Health

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Gut microbiome and mood

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Employee engagement

What is it? What’s the impact? How can we measure it? How can we improve it?

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Parenting & Young People

The parent coach - setting boundaries and being successful

Tamsin talks to us about setting boundaries and being successful.

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Workplace Mental Health & Wellbeing

Your role as a mental health first aider

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Workplace Mental Health & Wellbeing

Red January

Exercise is good for our mental health, community is great for our wellbeing and giving to others has the ability to improve our own health; RED January ticks all of these boxes and more and Hannah Beecham talks to us about the science behind the movement.

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Natural ways to aid sleep

Our June Expert, Samantha Culshaw Robinson talks to us about how to aide sleep naturally. She also shares a mindfulness exercise.

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Peri menopause

Pamela Windle, Certified Women’s Health coach and hypnotherapist, talks about peri-menopausal symptoms and suporting women effectively in the workplace.

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Workplace Mental Health & Wellbeing

Mens mental health

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British Menopause society

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No Time to Step Back: the government’s Menopause Employment Champion

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Menopause is Different for Women of Color – SWAN Study

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ONS data shows 39% struggle to reach GPs

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The Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development – Menopause

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Personnel Today – HR News

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Menopause standard launched to help organizations support experienced workers

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Workplace Mental Health & Wellbeing

Mental Health Awareness Line Manager Directory Resources


Workplace Mental Health & Wellbeing

Implementing Mental Health First Aiders - Guide for employers


Workplace Mental Health & Wellbeing

Being a Mental Health First Aider - Your guide to the role


She struggled with her own gut health for many years, with over-the-counter medicines failing to provide any relief, so decided to take matters into her own hands, completing a three-year diploma in Nutritional Therapy.

She now works with people struggling with their own gut health, hormonal imbalances and chronic disease, taking a full-body approach to their health.

She delivers our Cultivating a Healthy Gut for Good Mental Health programme.

Explore Kristas services

Her background is in mental health and wellbeing having worked in a range of settings including businesses, the NHS and charities.

Kate has lived experience of mental illness and previously worked as a Peer Supporter for the NHS before joining a local company delivering sport and wellbeing session in schools where she spent many years before becoming a freelance trainer.

Kate has been a qualified Mental Health First Aid instructor since 2014.

Explore Kates services

Her vast experience in business – working as a management consultant for companies like KPMG before setting up her own consultancy practice – has seen her designing and delivering practical interventions to companies from varying sectors.

She developed her own model for employee engagement that has seen fantastic success in the corporate world.
Sue has an MA in HRM/MCIPD and is a BPS registered Behaviour Assessor.

Explore Sues services